
Average score 877 Reviews
Francoise FERRER noted on Google

Bien personnel très sympa produits qui ont l'air d'être très frais (Translated by Google) Good staff very nice products which seem to be very fresh

27 days ago
Girol Jean Marc (LeSudiste32) noted on Google

Superbe restaurant chinois très bon de plus les plats sont toujours chaud chose que vous ne verrez pas à tout les restaurant chinois donc voilà pourquoi je met la note de 5 c'est mérité (Translated by Google) Superb Chinese restaurant, very good, plus the dishes are always hot, something you won't see in all Chinese restaurants, so that's why I give the rating 5, it's deserved

1 month ago
seriXa 32 noted on Google

1 month ago
asia01993 noted on Google

1 month ago
DamXtremSport2Core noted on Google

1 month ago
Linoa Stella noted on Google

1 month ago
Valérie Gracia noted on Google

Repas très bon à volonté et prix raisonnable (Translated by Google) Very good meal at will and reasonable price

2 months ago
Volk Machine65 noted on Google

2 months ago
Lina Pelaprat noted on Google

2 months ago
Pascal MERCIER noted on Google

2 months ago

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32550 Pavie, France

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